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Master project “Digital brand management”
Unique project for TSU

Have you met somewhere else that 2 students jointly write one master's thesis? In our modern direction "Digital Brand Management" it is possible!

It so happened that a student from China Zhang Boyue is studying in group 202045. She wanted to explore the hospitality industry in her hometown of Hulun Buir in her work. And the headman of this group, Tatyana Tyupkina, researched the same topic, only about Tomsk. So the idea came to unite and do a common comparative work about the hospitality industry of the two cities!

In this article, we decided to tell in more detail about such an interesting format for writing the final work. We interviewed Boyue and Tatiana, in which they introduced us to their activities.

Interview with project participants

- Why did you choose the direction "Digital Brand Management"?

Tatiana: I wanted to change the direction of my activity, but at the same time stay to study at TSU. The name of the direction is very hooked. She took part in the Olympiad "Master of TSU" and took 2nd place.

Boyue: I am very interested in this direction, I have been doing this for a long time. This university and city was recommended to me by my best friend, I am grateful to him that he recommended it to me.

- Girls, which of you was the first to talk about writing work together?

Tatiana: Personally, Dina Ivanovna Spicheva suggested me, because initially I could not even think that this was possible. The idea turned out to be quite interesting, and I agreed.

Boyue: First, it was discussed with Guzhova Irina Viktorovna. At the time, I had no idea what to do and it was difficult for me to get the job done. Irina Viktorovna gave me advice. The facts proved that this was a good decision.

- How do you interact with each other? Do you find common ground easily?

Tatiana: We communicate with Zhang on VKontakte, Telegram. And, of course, in zoom with our supervisor Snezhana Sergeevna Nosova. She helps us a lot, guides us, and we find common points of contact.

Boyue: To communicate with Snezhana Sergeevna, we use VK and ZOOM for a full exchange of views. Therefore, finding common ground is easier than expected. However, I need to ask again for specific details.

- Will the score also be divided in half? (it is joke)

Tatiana: A very good question J We will be judged differently, since everyone writes their own part of the work.

Boyue: Unfortunately, we are only responsible for the writing. In terms of assessments, the final say rests with the professors.

- What language will your work be in? (Russian, Chinese, English? or several?)

Tatiana: In Russian, since the program provides only this language.

Boyue: I will use English to complete some of my work. However, as far as reference material is concerned, I will probably use Chinese.

- What are the pros and cons of such an unusual format?

Tatiana: On the plus side, I can note that this is, of course, the development of communication skills with a foreign student, for me this is the first experience. Also, the opportunity to improve English, exchange of experience in work. Of the minuses - communication only via the Internet.

Boyue: The advantages and disadvantages are obvious. The work with which I was previously familiar is now incomprehensible to me. When I am at work, I am like a "giant child." Before the first conversation, I was really very worried, but now the work is proceeding in an orderly manner. In addition, due to covid-19, acquaintance became difficult, but through work we got to know each other, which can be considered as a new practice of intercultural communication. On the other hand, it requires relentless research.

- How do the teachers relate to this project?

Tatiana: Positively, it is very interesting for them to look at such an interesting format in order to practice it more in the future.

Boyue: This is a very interesting attempt, perhaps we can change our thinking a lot.

Thanks to Tatiana and Boyue for sharing their impressions of joint work and unusual practice of intercultural communication. Digital Brand Management gives them this opportunity to interact. Thanks to the knowledge gained in the learning process, any student can build his own individual educational trajectory, while maintaining effective communication even in a difficult period of a pandemic.
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